Report 2024

Matsumoto Myokei Buddhist Sculpture Museum
We visited the Matsumoto Myokei Buddha Sculpture Museum. At first, his wife, Matsumoto Kamei, talked about his career and then we watched the video featured the inheritance of technology from Mr. Matsumoto Myokei to three generations of his children and his grandsons. After that, we moved to the exhibition room and saw a number of Buddha statues created in Matsumoto Myokei's workshop studio. We could get a close look a large number of various splendid Buddha statues and have a valuable experience by receiving various explanations from the grandsons of Mr. Matsumoto Myokei who are his disciples. There were 13 guests and 10 members.
Jan. 28
Hosotsuji Ihee Museum
We visited Hosotsuji Ihee Museum.  The lecture by Mr. Ihee Hosotsuji the 14th head of Eirakuya, which has a history of over 400 years, was valuable time for the participants as they were able to learn tenugui manufacturing process based on the tradition unique to a long-established store directly from the owner.  He is currently active in collaboration on tenugui with people of different genre as well. He calls himself Tenugrafer and while preserving the long-established tradition, he develops his theory that tenugui is an art form.  We believe that the passion of the 14th generation is the power that supports this long-established store.  18 guests and 12 members joined this event.

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