Report 2023

Oct. 21
Tenryu-ji Temple
We visited Tenryuji, the head temple of the Tenryuji branch of the Rinzai sect.  We received a lecture from American Zen monk, Thomas Kirchner about what Zen is, how to become a Zen monk, and the rigorous training required for Zen monks, and then we actually experienced  zazen (Zen meditation ) for about 15 minutes.  Afterwards, we toured the temple halls and the garden, which has been designated as a special historical scenic area.  We welcomed 20 participants from 13 countries and had a meaningful time under the clear autumn weather.
Jul. 8
Otabe-making Experience Dojo
We visited the confectionery factory that produces otabe ,very popular as a souvenir from Kyoto, and experienced otabe making.  After touring the factory, we divided the steamed rice flour dough into three portions and made three different flavors of otabe.  28 foreign guests and 3 Japanese guests joined this event.  Everyone looked  happy as they made otabe.
May 20
Higashi Hongan-ji Temple
Since the COVID-19 pandemic has been calming down recently, we held the Kamogawa-kai event for the first time in three years. We visited Higashi Honganji Temple which is celebrating the anniversary of the 850th of Shinran Shonin this year and toured the historical halls. Every hall was magnificent. Participants listened to the explanation about the halls from the monk. Goeido-mon impressed us. Going up to the top floor was a good opportunity for us. On the way there, it was dim and steep stairs, but the rooftop had a wonderful view and there were three statues of Buddha enshrined.  We put them our hands in prayer in front of them with gratitude. The number of the participants was 17 guests from overseas, 7 Japanese ones, and 14 people from the Kamogawa-kai.

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